Paul M. Francke - A Blot of Ink - Cassell, 1892, First Edition.
London, Cassell, 1892. First edition, first impression. Hardback. A very good copy. Uncommon. Slight lean, some bumping to the tips, seller's sticker with some offsetting. Otherwise a nice presentable copy. [10324, Hyraxia Books].
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J.W. Groves - The Heels of Achilles - c1969, Manuscript.
Salman Rushdie - Haroun and the Sea of Stories - TV Script - No Publisher, n.d. [1992].
Leah Bodine Drake - A Hornbook for Witches - Arkham House, 1950, First Edition.
T.E.B. Clarke - Two and Two Make Five - John Long, 1938, First Edition.
Edgar Jepson - The Keepers of the People - C. Arthur Pearson, 1898, First Edition.
Hampton Fancher & David Peoples [ed. David Scroggy] - The Illustrated Blade Runner - Blue Dolphin Enterprises, 1982, First Edition.
Richard Wilson - Masters of Science Fiction - Centipede Press, 2018, Limited Edition.
John Galsworthy - Another Sheaf - Heinemann, 1919, First Edition.
Neil Gaiman - The Graveyard Book - Bloomsbury, 2008, Signed Limited Edition.
Garrett P. Serviss - The Second Deluge - McBride, Nast & Co., 1912, First Edition.
John Cowper Powys - Morwyn or the Vengeance of God - Cassell, 1937, First Edition.
George R.R. Martin - A Song of Ice and Fire - A Partial Set of Limited Editions - Subterranean Press, 2014-2019, Signed Limited Edition.
Alexander Harvey - The Toe and Other Tales - Mitchell Kennerley, 1913, First Edition.
Charles Beadle - The City of Shadows - Everett & Co., n.d. [1911?], First Edition.
Various - The Gurgoyle Stories: 1859 & 1860 - Gray's Inn, 1859-1860, Original Manuscript.
M.P. Shiel - The Lord of the Sea - Grant Richards, 1901, First Edition.
Austyn Granville - The Fallen Race - F.T. Neely, 1892, Signed First Edition.
James Grange - The Life of Alexander I - W. Mason, 1814, First Edition.
Philip Wylie - Gladiator - Knopf, 1930, First Edition.
John Howard - The Silver Voices - Ex Occidente Press, 2010, Limited Edition.
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