London, Henry Colburn, 1815. Third edition, first impression. Hardback. A very good copy. Three volumes, complete. A gothic tale, but with a good deal of quixotic satire mixed in. Poe reviewed it describing it as 'There are few books written with more tact, spirit, naivete, or grace... and none more fairly entitled to rank among the classics of English literature than the Heroine of Eaton Stannard Barrett.' [Southern Literary Messenger, 1835]. Very popular in its day, as a lighter take on the burgeoning genre. Collates: Volume one: xix, (25)-220pp - odd pagination but nothing missing. Volume two: 240pp Volume three: 252pp. Collector's plate to the front pastedown of each volume. A little scuffing to the spines, with some splitting to the outer edges, but tight enough overall. Some scuffing to the forecorners, one leaf in volume three with a slice missing. Endpaper creased on first volume. [12011, Hyraxia Books].