London, MacMillan, 1876. First edition, first impression. Hardback. A very good copy. Beautifully bound by Riviere and Sons in full blue calf, the boards triple ruled in gilt and with circular cornerpieces. The spine with five raised bands, gilt decorated compartments, titles in gilt on red morocco labels. Board edges decorated in gilt, inner dentelles decorated in gilt, blue marbled endpapers. Single page of publisher's daverts. Publisher's original grey cloth illustrated in black bound in at the rear. All edges gilt. With 9 illustrations by Henry Holiday, the frontispiece retaining the original tissue guard. A fine copy, the binding square and tight, the spine a touch faded, the gilt bright and fresh. The contents are clean throughout and without inscriptions or stamps. A beautiful example. First state with 'Baker' instead of 'Butcher' on p83. [12040, Hyraxia Books].