A. Lincoln Green - The End of an Epoch - William Blackwood, 1901, First Edition.

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Code: 5672

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London, William Blackwood, 1901. First Edition. First Impression. A rare book. Presumed first issue, with ads dated '7/01' and a stamp to the title page 'With the Publisher's Compliments.' The author's only title, and thought by Bleiler to be heavily influenced by The Purple Cloud by M.P. Shiel. The Shiel work was rejected by a publisher, and then this work mysteriously appeared. Shiel made accusations of plagiarism. Whether or not that was the case, remains to be seen. Regardless, the book's hard to find. A near fine copy with a little bumping to the spine tips and some dustiness to the top of the block. Endpapers toned, front edge dusty and a little spotted. [5672, Hyraxia Books].

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