London, Grafton, 1988. First Edition. First Impression. Hardback. A lovely copy. Inscribed by the author thus: "For David \ This novelisation's \ of a Disneyland ride! \ Cheers, \ Tim Powers", upside down as is the author's style. Powers has mentioned a number of times how the Disneyland ride, which spawned the films, was a great influence on the book. Powers wrote the book after Lester Del Rey had rejected 'Anubis Gates' and 'Dinner at Deviant's Palace', but found Del Rey rejecting 'On Stranger Tides' too. Ace then picked the book up, as the feedback Del Rey had given Powers was strong enough to allow Powers to further sculpt the book. The present copy, being the first English edition, came out the following year. Nominated for the World Fantasy Award, and the inspiration for the Monkey Island video game from 1990, and most famously the fourth Pirates of the Caribbean film. An important novel in the perhaps under-represented subgenre of fantasy, and a great adventure. A lovely copy, one small bump to the top front corner. Cover art by Richard Clifton-Dey [6423, Hyraxia Books].