John Brunner - The Tides of Time - Galleys - Ballantine Books, 1984, Proof. Signed

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Code: 7175

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New York, Ballantine Books, 1984. Proof. Unbound. Publisher's galleys marked up by Brunner and the publisher. Approx. 220 sheets printed one-side only. First sheet signed by Brunner. Brunner's annotations seem to tail off after the first couple of dozen sheets, but the publisher persues the editing to the very end. Uncommon in this format. A letter from Brunner accompanies the galleys declaring that he's sold the corrected proofs to Barry Levin. Along with a letter from Ballantine Books (included here) and the copy-edited script (not included here). Ballantine Books first published Tides of Time in 1984 in a PBO. [7175, Hyraxia Books].

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