Ray Bradbury - The Golden Apples of the Sun - Rupert Hart-Davis, 1953, Signed First Edition.

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Code: 7204

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London, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1953. First Edition. First Impression. Hardback. A near fine copy. Inscirbed by the author 'For John \ Baxter - \ Thanks! \ From, \ Ray Bradbry \ Aug 12, 1980'. Quite a neat inscription for Bradbury. Baxter is a author himself and an SF collector. A nice copy. One of Bradbury's finest short story collection, the present edition carries small Mugnaini vignettes to each story. A little wear to the upper spine tip, some limited soiling to the jacket, top of jacket a little rolled. Book spine faded. Better than usually found. Foyles sticker to front pastedown. Illustrations by Joe Mugnaini [7204, Hyraxia Books].

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