Olaf Stapledon - Odd John - Methuen, 1935, First Edition.

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Code: 7823

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London, Methuen, 1935. First Edition. First Impression. Paperback. A very good copy. Currey's issue (F). A highlight of the Superman subgenre (or Ubermensch if you want to get all Nietzschean). Taking its lead from Beresford's Hampdenshire Wonder [Crossley, p225]. The sixth issue printed from remainder sheets bound in wraps with jacket plate pasted to upper wrap. The second of two issues in wraps. Some staining to lower edge, creasing to the spine, a little dusty. A presentable copy, better than usually found. [Aldiss & Lovegrove, p212] Cover art by Eric Fraser [7823, Hyraxia Books].

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