Tim Powers - The Anubis Gates w/ Dinner at Deviant's Palace - Association Copies - Chatto & Windus, 1985-1986, Signed First Editions.

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Code: 8008

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London, Chatto & Windus, 1985-1986. First Editions. First Impressions. Hardbacks. Fine copies. Both inscribed by Powers in his usual upside down inscription. Association copies from Powers to publisher Les Escott (of Morrgian Publications). The inscriptions read: [Deviant's] 'For Les & Rita & Rebecca - Next time you're out here we'll take you Deviant's Palace. Great place, but you've got to be taken home in an aquarium. Cheers, Tim Power 1/14/88' and [Anubis] 'For Les & Rita & Rebecca - And if you think there are some slummy areas described in this, some hellish dens of murder & vice, just wait till you see the place we're taking you to on Monday night, Cheers Tim Powers 1/14/88' Additionally signed 'William Ashbless'. Tim Powers, along with James Blaylock, invented Ashbless. Blaylock was published by Morrigan. A slight bumping to the spine tips, otherwise a lovely pair. Cover art by Dan Macpherson [8008, Hyraxia Books].

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