[Thomas Simon] Gueullette - Mogul Tales - J. Applebee, 1736, First Edition.

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Code: 8496

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London, J. Applebee, 1736. First Edition. First Impression. Hardbacks. Two volumes. Near fine in recent quarter calf, with six engravings. First English translation, having been published earlier in France. A set of fairy tales in the vein of The Arabian Nights, though commanding a lesser legacy. Leaves a little dry. Ownership inscription. Full title: The Dreams of Men Awake: being stories told to divert the Sultana's of Guzarat, for the supposed death of the Sultan. Written in French by the celebrated Mr Guelletee, author of the Chinese Tales, etc. Now first translated into English. In two volumes; adorned with proper cuts, neatly engraven on copper plates. With a prefatory discourse on the usefulness of romances. [8496, Hyraxia Books].

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