John Wyndham - The Midwich Cuckoos - Walker, 1969, Second Edition.
New York, Walker, 1969. Second Edition. First Impression. Hardback. A fine copy. The second US hardback edition, preceded by the Ballantine edition. Uncommon, and a nice presentable edition. Cover art by Jack Gaughan [8822, Hyraxia Books].
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Arthur George - The Grand Seigneur - Methuen, 1913, First Edition.
Jaws Official Souvenir Brochure - Stafford Pemberton Publishing, 1975, First Edition.
John Marsh - Body Made Alive: A Study in the Macabre - Stanley Smith, 1936, First Edition.
China Mieville - Perdido Street Station - Subterranean Press, 2011, Signed Limited Edition.
Stephen Jones & Kim Newman [eds] - Horror 100 Best Books - Xanadu Publications, 1988, Signed Limited Edition.
Arthur Rickett - Lost Chords: Some Emotions with Morals - A.D. Innes, 1895, Signed First Edition.
Edward Everett Hale [and others.] - The Brick Moon [with] Life in the Brick Moon [in] The Atlantic Monthly - Fields, Osgood, & Co., 1869-1870, First Edition.
A.M. Irvine - The Dreams of Orlow - George Allen & Unwin, 1936, First Edition.
Sir Augustus Harris, Cecil Raleigh, and Henry Hamilton - Cheers Boys Cheer! A New and Original Drama in Four Acts - J. Miles, 1895, First Edition.
Mary Kyle Dallas - Billtry - Merriam Company, 1895, First Edition.
Barry Pain - Typed Letter Signed to Archibald Marshall - 1913.
Thomas M. Disch - The Genocides - Whiting and Wheaton, 1967, First Edition.
Hugh Westbury [as Hugh Farrie] - Frederick Hazleden: A Novel - Macmillan, 1887, First Edition.
George Griffith - Captain Ishmael - Hutchinson, 1901, First Edition.
Oliver Onions - Admiral Eddy - John Murray, 1907, First Edition.
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