London, None, n.d. [1865]. First Edition. First Impression. Paperback. A good copy. A very scarce short penny dreadful offered originally gratis with Ivan the Terrible; or, Dark Deeds of Night! No copies located on COPAC, WorldCat or in commerce. Appears to have been offered nestled within three issues of Ivan. The pagination is obviously non-contiguous, even within issues as it was spread across a number of pages within the same issue. Condition: bound with string in plain paper wrappers with a later label. The sheets are a bit rough, many are heavily worn to the edges, all parts of the original publications that do not contain the text of Ghost's House have been removed, those that remain have been crossed out. 16pp. Numerous tears, creases and stains. Binding would fall apart without too much nagging. Appears complete given the breaks and chapter divisions. [8900, Hyraxia Books].