Various - An Important Collection of Fantasy and Science Fiction Fanzines and Related Material.

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An important collection of fanzines and related materials. Spanning the era from early fandom to the end of the 20th Century. US and UK, mostly. An incongruous group, as to be expected. Mostly incomplete runs or single issues, but covering a large number of the genre's authors, some of which are included below. I admit, the cataloguing is less than complete. My intention was to outline this fully, but that intention flaked away like the cheap paper these fanzines are made of. A number of items wouldn't be classed as fanzines, but this is the collection as purchased so they're included for integrity and for the buyer to determine their position. Again, this is by no means a complete or curated collection. More of an amassing, but important nonetheless for research into the genre. Many items are not currently available for sale on the market. 

1: The Fanscient [Donald B. Day] 1945, 11, Volume 2, #3, issue 1, Spring 1945 to volume 4, #14, issue 13/14, 1951, Keller, Williamson, Moskowitz, Kuttner, Bradbury, Bloch, Heinlein, G.O. Smith, Sturgeon, Ackerman, Boucher, de Camp, Bok, 

2: Futurian War Digest [J. Michael Rosenblum] 1940, 31, Volume 1, #1, Oct 1940 to Volume 3, #6, August 1944, Christopher, EF Russell, AC Clarke, Bulmer, Asimov, 

3: Fancyclopedia [John Bristol Speer] 1944, 96 of 250 copies, presentation copy to Ken Bulmer 

4: Fancyclopedia II with additions volume [Dick Eney] 1959-1960, E6 of 450 copies. 

5: A Sense of FAPA [Dick Eney] 1962, Selections from the Mailings of the Fantasy Amateur Press Association 

6: Inside and Science Fiction Advertiser [Ronald Smith] 1952-1958, 5, July 1952, Sept 1955, May 1956, Sept 1956, Sept 1958, 

7: Retribution [John Berry and Arthur Thompson] 1956-1959, 13, Complete 

8: Forry [Fred Patten] 1966, Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society, A celebration of Ackerman 

9: Ipso Facto [Ted Forsyth] 1962, 1, #4 Heinlein Issue, 

10: Meretritious [Bjo Trimble] 1959, 1, Special Issue, Emsh, Bloch, Cawthorn, Shangri L'Affaires Special Christmas Issue. Copies of Christmas illustrations celebrating fandom 

11: Golden Atom [Larry Farsace] 1955, 1, 1955 Issue, Clark Ashton Smith, Signed by Farsace 

12: Slant [Walter A. Willis] 1948-1953, 7, Winner of the Fanzine Retro Hugo. Appears to be the complete run of seven issues. Quite rare. The supplement issue is also included. 

13: An archive of SWFA Items - Dick, McCaffrey, Blish, SWFA Forum #1 to #28 with three issues missing in between. Also included is an almost complete run of SWFA Bulletin, with around 30 of the first 40 issues. A few sheets of ephemeral material. 

14: The Fantast - Two volumes: I.I and II.III 

15: John W. Campbell - An Australian Tribute - 1974 

16: Colonial Excursion [Ron Bennett], Inscribed by Bennett 

17: Science-Fantasy Review - 1939-1940, 11 of the first 13 issues 

18: Quandry - 1951-1952, Silverberg, de la Ree, Ackerman, Four issues. 

19: Smoke [George Locke] 1959, Ken Bulmer, First issue or six issued 

20: PantoPon 16 [Ruth Berman] 1967, Single issue, Star Trek pastiche 

21: Rhodomagnetic Digest being the Proceedings of the Elves', Gnomes' and Little Men's Science-Fiction Chowder and Marching Society - 1950-1951, Six issues from volume II. Includes letters to the editor from Bradbury, Asimov and pieces by Zimmer Bradley, Brown, Silverberg, John Campbell 

22: The Rejected Canon [Dick Eney], Reprinted abridgement of the Fancyclopedia 

23: Goliard 835 [Karen Anderson] 1964, Poul Anderson 

24: Shangri-L'Affaires -, Christmas Supplement 

25: The Big Three: Ten Years in Retrospect [Redd Boggs] 1960, Reviewing Astounding, Galaxy and F&SF 

26: The Bleary Eyes with The Middle Ages [John Berry] 1993, 90/100 and 82/100. Complete? 

27: Fantasy-Fiction Telegram [Bob Madle] 1937, Vol I.IV 

28: The Stormy Petrel [Terry Carr] 1959, With a Robert Bloch piece 

29: The Goon Goes West [John Berry] 1961, 

30: Through Darkest Ireland with Knife, Fork and Spoon [Chuck Harris], 

31: G.D.A. Casebook [John Berry] 1959, Cawthorn illus 

32: The Enigma of the Hieronymous Machine [Steve Schulteis], 

33: This Goon for Hire [John Berry], 

34: The Tattooed Dragon and his Electric Whing-A-Ding [William Rostler], 

35: The Harp Stateside [Walter A. Willis], 

36: Bibliography of Adventure: Mundy, Burroughs, Rohmer, Haggard [Bradford M. Day] 1964, 

37: Habakkuk [Bill Donaho] 1966-1994, Seven Issues, comprising the complete volumes two and three. 

38: Hyphen - 1953-1963, 17 issues, incomplete run 

[9353, Hyraxia Books].

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