Amsterdam & Paris, No Publisher, 1787-1789. First edition, first impression. Text in French. A very good set, in contemporary paper bindings. 36 volumes as called for. A collection of 74 utopian, extraordinary and / or speculative journeys. Volumes one to 30 cover 'Imaginary Journeys' (subdivided into 'Romantic', 'Wonderful', 'Allegorical' and Amusing'), 31 and 32 covers 'Dreams and Visions', and the final volumes are 'Cabalistic'. Titles include Robinson Crusoe, The True Story of Lucien, Gulliver's Travels, Nicolas Klimius, and Apuleius' Metamorphoses. A fantastic collection. The set is pretty well preserved. I admit, I haven't collated it, but I have checked for plates and there appear to be some missing. Handwritten labels to the spines, and the wraps are all about an inch too short. Internally they've been kept pretty good but the edges are a little chipped and ragged, as expected. Some books have used paper from another book as the endpapers. Each volume has a collector's plate (US rocket scientist Frederick Ordway III) to the front inside cover. An important work and a rare opportunity to get a set in such a binding. Oh, and when you go hunting (diligently) around for comparable copies, you'll find some with 39 volumes. The last three are imposters and not part of the original set that Garnier put together. Welcome those three to your library at your own peril, they do not belong.Â
Class 1: Imaginary journeys Imaginary travelsÂ
1. The Life and Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe (vol. I) by Daniel Defoe (1719)Â
2. The Life and Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe (vol. II) by Daniel Defoe (1719)Â
3. The Life and Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe (vol. III), comprising Serious and Important Reflections of Robinson Crusoe, and Vision of the Angelic World by Daniel Defoe (1719)Â
4. Le Solitaire Anglais, or The Marvelous Adventures of Philippe Quarll by Peter Longueville (1727)Â
5. History of the Sevarambes, peoples who inhabit a part of the third continent, commonly called the Southern Land: containing a relation of the government, manners, religion and language of this nation, hitherto unknown to the peoples of Europe by Denis Vairasse (1675-1679)Â
6. Memoirs of Gaudence de Luques by Simon Berrington (1737)Â
7. The Unknown Isle, or Memoirs of the Chevalier Des Gastines (vol. I) by Guillaume Grivel , corrected and enlarged version (1783-1787)Â
8. The Unknown Isle (vol. II) by Guillaume Grivel (1787)Â
9. The Unknown Isle (vol. III) by Guillaume Grivel (1787)Â
10. Journey of Alcimedon or Shipwreck which leads to the port, a story more true than likely, but which may encourage the search for unknown lands , by the Count of Martigny (1759); Fortunate Islands or the Adventures of Bihylle and Clobule by Moutonnet de Clairfons (1778-1787), corrected version; History of the Troglodites (excerpt from Persian Letters , XI-XIV) by Montesquieu (1721); Adventures of a Young Englishman , by Jean Lediard (initial publication unknown); Adventures of a Portuguese corsair (excerpt from Peregrination ) by Mendez Pinto (1614);Voyages and Adventures of Captain Robert Boyle (vol. I) by William Rufus Chetwood (1726).Â
11. Voyages and Adventures of Captain Robert Boyle (vol. II) by William Rufus Chetwood (1726).Â
12. Adventures of a Spaniard (extract from the Spanish Solitaire by Don Varasque de Figueras (1740); Relation of the sinking of a Dutch ship by Hendrik Hamel (1670); Shipwreck and adventures of Pierre Viaux, native of Rochefort, Captain of a ship by Pierre Viaud (1768); Relation of the shipwreck of Mme Godin des Odonais on the Amazon River , by Louis Godin des Odonais (1787). Wonderful imaginary journeysÂ
13. True story of Lucien, translated and continued by Perrot d'Ablancourt by Lucien de Samosate and Nicolas Perrot d'Ablancourt (1654); Voyage of Cyrano de Bergerac in the Empires of the Moon and the Sun (which brings together a Comic History of the States and Empires of the Moon from 1657 and one of the Sun from 1662) and the History of the Birds (1641) by Savinien de Cyrano de Bergerac .Â
14. Voyages of Captain Lemuel Gulliver by Jonathan Swift (1726).Â
15. Le Nouveau Gulliver ou Voyages de Jean Gulliver, son of Captain Lemuel Gulliver by Abb' Desfontaines (1730); Recreational Travels of the Knight of Quevedo (vol. I) by Francisco de Quevedo y Villegas (1627).Â
16. Recreational Travels of the Knight of Quevedo (vol. II) by Francisco de Quevedo y Villegas (1627); The relation of the world of Mercury by the Chevalier de B'thunes (1750).Â
17. Voyage of Milord C'ton in the seven planets, or the new Mentor (vol. I) by Marie-Anne de Roumier-Robert (1765-1766).Â
18. Journey of Milord C'ton in the seven planets, or the new Mentor (vol. II) by Marie-Anne de Roumier-Robert (1765-1766).Â
19. Nicolas Klimius' Voyage into the Underworld, Containing a New Theory of the Earth and the History of a Fifth Monarchy hitherto unknown by Ludvig Holberg (1741); Relation of a voyage from the arctic pole to the Antarctic pole through the centre of the world, with the description of this perilous passage and of the marvelous and astonishing things which have been discovered under the Antarctic pole by an unknown author (1721).Â
20. Lamekis or the Extraordinary Journeys of an Egyptian in the Inner Earth. With the discovery of the island of Sylphides. Enriched with curious notes (vol. I) by the Chevalier de Mouhy (1735-1738).Â
21. Lamekis or the Extraordinary Journeys of an Egyptian in the Inner Earth. With the discovery of the island of Sylphides. Enriched with curious notes (vol. I) by the Chevalier de Mouhy (1735-1738); Azor or the Enchanted Prince, a new story to serve as a chronicle for that of the Land of the Parrots by Pierre-Charles Fabiot Aunillon (1750).Â
22. The Flying Men or The Adventures of Pierre Wilkins (vol. I) by Robert Paltock (1750).Â
23. The Flying Men or the Adventures of Pierre Wilkins (vol. II) by Robert Paltock (1750); Micromegas, or Voyage of the inhabitants of the star Sirius by Voltaire (1752); The Adventures of the Air Traveler by Marc-Antoine Legrand (1724).Â
24. Julian the Apostate, or Journey into the Other World by Henry Fielding (1743); The Adventures of Jacques Sadeur in the discovery and travel of the Southern Land, containing the customs and manners of the Australians, their religion, their exercises, their studies, their wars, the animals peculiar to this country... by Gabriel de Foigny (1676 ).Â
25. History of Prince Soly, nicknamed Prenany and of Princess F?l?e by Henri Pajon (1740); Travels and adventures of the three princes of Sarendip, translated from Persian by the Chevalier de Mailly (1719). Allegorical imaginary journeysÂ
26. Marvelous Voyage of Prince Fan-Feredin in Romancie, containing several historical, geographical, physical, critical and moral observations by Father Bougeant (1735); Voyage to the Isle of Love by Paul Tallemant (1663); Relation of the imaginary island and story of the Princess of Paphlagonia by Jean Regnault de Segrais (1659); Relation of the Kingdom of Coquetterie by the Abb? d'Aubignac (1654); Description of the Island of Portraiture and the City of Portraits by Charles Sorel (1659).Â
27. The Enchanted Isle, episode from the Lusiad by Lu?s de Cam?es (1572); L'Isle taciturne et l'Isle enjou'e, or Voyage of the genius Alaciel in these two islands by Nicolas Bricaire de la Dixmerie (1759); The Isle of F?licit?, episode taken from Hypolite, Comte de Duglas by Madame d'Aulnoy (1690); Journey of Reason in Europe by the Marquis of Caraccioli (1772). The funny, critical and comic tripsÂ
28. Sentimental trip to France by Doctor Sterne (1768); Voyage by Chapelle and Bachaumont (1697); Journey from Paris to Limousin by Jean de La Fontaine (1663); Voyage of Languedoc and Provence by Jean-Jacques Lefranc de Pompignan (1745); The Voyage to Burgundy by Antoine de Bertin (1777); Journey to Beaune by Alexis Piron (1717); Fragment of a trip to Spain by Nicolas Bricaire de la Dixmerie (1788).Â
29. The Country Trip by Madame de Murat (1699); Voyage de Falaise by Eustache Le Noble (1697); The Voyage to Mantes by Jean-Baptiste Jacques Gimat de Bonneval (1753).Â
30. The Interrupted Journey by Thomas L'Afichard (1737); The Bogged Car by Marivaux (1714); Voyage from Paris to Saint-Cloud by sea and return by land by Louis-Balthazar N'el (1748); The Return from Saint-Cloud by Sea and by Land by Augustin-Martin Lottin (1750).Â
Class 2: Dreams and visionsÂ
31. The Dreams of Aristobulus, Greek philosopher by Pierre-Charles Levesque (1761); Dreams of a Hermit by Louis-S?bastien Mercier (1770).Â
32. Philosophical Dreams and Visions by Louis-S'bastien Mercier (1768).Â
Class 3: Cabalistic novelsÂ
33. The Metamorphoses or the Golden Ass and The Demon of Socrates by Apuleius ( 2nd century) .Â
34. The Count of Gabalis or Conversations on the Secret Sciences by Henri de Montfaucon de Villars (1670); Les Ondins, a moral tale by Marie-Anne de Roumier-Robert (1768); The Sylphe in love by an anonymous author (1730); The salamander lover, or the adventures of the unfortunate Julie by an anonymous author (1756).Â
35. The Devil in Love by Jacques Cazotte (1772); The Goblins of the Ch?teau de Kermosy by the Countess Murat (1710); The Enchanter Faustus by Antoine Hamilton (1789).Â
36. Stories of Monsieur Oufle and The Description of the Sabbath by Abb? Bordelon (1710).Â
[9558, Hyraxia Books].