London, Vanity Fair Ltd, 1870s. Unbound. Near fine. A collection of around 300 plates (Gail assures me there are 295, as she counted them, but I only trust her counting with a margin of error of around 2%, and 300 sounds much grander than 295). All in pretty good shape and mounted. I hesitate to suggest that there are or aren't any still famous charicatures in the collection, but there are certainly a whole heap of boring old white men in there - so if that's your penchant, this is right up your street [I excel in motivational marketing spiel, if you hadn't already noticed]. I estimate there's enough to cover 28 sqm of wall, so if you have a square bedroom of around 2.5m per side and reasonably high ceilings, you could decorate the entire thing and be the envy of Instagram. [9572, Hyraxia Books].