The Arabian Nights' Entertainments Rare Books Bought / Wanted

Below is a list of the various editions of The Arabian Nights we're currently looking to purchase. Early titles considered in poor condition.

  • The Arabian Nights - Booker, 1819 [four vols, R. Westall]
  • Dalzeils' Illustrated Arabian Nights' Entertainments - Ward, Lock & Tyler, 1864-1865 [Brothers Dalzeil]
  • Aladdin - Maxwell, 1880 [Gustave Dore]
  • The Arabian Nights' Entertainments - Newnes/Constable, 1899 [W. Heath Robinson] 
  • The Child's Arabian Nights - Grant Richards, 1903 [W. Heath Robinson]
  • Stories from the Arabian Nights - Hodder & Stoughton, 1907 [Edmund Dulac]
  • The Arabian Nights - Constable, 1912 [Rene Bull]
  • The Arabian Nights - Hodder & Stoughton, 1924 [E.J. Detmold]

To sell copies of the above, or just to find out more please email us on or call us on 07557 652 609

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