08May The Greatest Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Writers to Ever Have Lived, with Rock-Solid Proof
Heads Up: Don't take this too seriously, I think, perhaps, it's primarily nonsense pitted with opinion and anecdote. But hey, it's the 21st Century. So it goes.The IdeaDo you know who's a better fantasy writer than Tolkien? Terry Pratchett. That's a fact*. Also, H.G. Wells is a terrible writer (see…
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18Oct Detail from The Invisible Man
Detail from the first edition of The Invisible Man, one of H.G. Wells' best known works. I'm going to say third best-known book after War of the World and Time Machine, but before The Island of Dr Moreau and First Men in the Moon. The Invisible Man was Wells' fifth…
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31Jan Reviews for January 2018
I haven't written a reviews post for a good few months, so let me start 2018 as I mean to continue it. Books first.I'll take a brief look at three of the books I've read in 2018 so far. I've read a few others, but nothing either great or poor,…
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