08Jan Reviews for January 2020

BooksThe GoodDecember never bore much good fruit for me. Perhaps the best was The State of the Art, by Iain M. Banks. Odd Attachment is a truly funny short story, and Descendant is quite moving. Penric's Demon by Lois McMaster Bujold was middling, an excellent start to a novel or trilogy, but not…

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01Jul What Are Association Copies?

What is an association copy?An association copy can often be the pinnacle of collecting for a particular book. A book is designated an association copy if it was owned, at some time, by someone associated with the book. This can be somewhat tenuous, and the less tenuous the association the…

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08Jan Matrix Collecting - An Alternative Method of Book Collecting

When I dismantled and sold my first collection nearly a decade ago it was nearly a decade old. When I look back, it was an unruly collection, with more than a smidgen of simple amassing. It was my first collection and I enjoyed it immensely. I enjoyed receiving the books.…

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07Oct Reviews for September

I thought I'd share a few reviews of things that we read, watched and heard in September. This isn't just books, so feel free to skip the other bits!I read William Hope Hodgson's The House on the Borderland at the beginning of the month, and found myself, initially, drawn into…

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30Sep Collecting Arkham House and H.P. Lovecraft First Editions

// An introduction to our 'Collecting Arkham and Lovecraft' category in the ideas section above (here) //One of our most common requests is for books published by Arkham House, often specifically with an interest in H. P. Lovecraft. Let's just a look at a background of the two, and their…

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