New York, Stokes, 1922. First edition, first impression. Hardback. A very good copy in a good jacket. A rare lost race novel. The author's first novel in the elusive jacket. Scrysmour is a bit underrepresented in the genre, though Ash-Tree press have reprinted her somewhat recently. Bleiler thought the novel a fix-up from two magazine publications, a reasonable suggestion. However, the jacket suggests that the book has never been published before in any periodical, which seems to suggest quite the opposite - however, this is the American publication so perhaps not including British publications. The jury's out. An intriguing science fiction with airships, early civilisations on Jupiter and underground dwarven Israelites and the end of the world. The jacket has loss to the head of the spine and some staining and foxing, it has been reinforced to the interior with brown tape. The book is in blue cloth with a gift inscription. [9873, Hyraxia Books].