Franz Kafka First Edition Books Bought / Wanted

Below is a list of Franz Kafka books we're currently looking to purchase. We are primarily looking for hardback British, American and German first editions (exceptions noted below). Tatty copies and jacketless copies are acceptable too.

  • Das Schloss - Kurt Wolff, 1926 and as The Castle - Secker, 1930 and Knopf, 1930
  • Der Prozess - Die Schmiede, 1925 and as The Trial - Gollancz, 1937 and Knopf, 1937
  • Amerika - Kurt Wolff, 1927 (boards or wraps) and as America - Routledge, 1938
  • Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer - Gustav Kiepenheuer, 1931 and as The Great Wall of China - Secker, 1933
  • Der Verwandlung - Kurt Wolf, 1915 (wraps and later issues) and as The Metamorphosis - Parton Press, 1937
  • Signed items and letters, newspaper articles etc.

To sell copies of the above, or just to find out more please email us on or call us on 07557 652 609.

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