Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - Faust Rare Books Bought / Wanted
Below is a list of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe items we're currently looking to purchase. The books we're looking to buy are generally the first editions published in hardback in Britain. Early titles considered in poor condition.
Faust Part One
- F.L. Gower Edition - John Murray, 1823
- Abraham Hayward Edition - E. Moxon, 1833
- John Anster Edition - Longman, 1835 [as Faustus] and Harrap, 1925 [as Faust, illus. Harry Clarke]
- Theodore Martin - Elzevir Press, 1873
Faust Part Two
- L.J. Bernays Edition - London, 1839
- John Anster Edition - London, 1864 [as Faustus]
Faust Part One and Two
- Warburton Edition - Arthur Taylor, 1838 [two vols]
- J. Birch Edition - Black & Armstrong, 1839-1843 [two vols]
- Bayard Taylor - Strahan, 1871 [two vols]
- Eric Gill Edition - Doves Press, 1906-1910 [two vols]
- The Sorrows of Werter - J. Dodsley, 1779 and Doves Press, 1911 [two vols]
- Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship - Oliver & Boyd, 1824 [three vols]
- The Poems of Goethe - London, 1853
- Iphigenie Auf Tauris - Doves Press, 1912
- Torquato Tasso - Doves Press, 1913
- Some early jacketed copies and reprints.
- Proof and manuscript copies highly sought
- Any signed items
To sell copies of the above, or just to find out more please email us on or call us on 07557 652 609