Arthurian Legends / King Arthur Books Bought / Wanted

Below is a list of books related to the legends of King Arthur that we're currently looking to purchase. Titles considered in poor condition.

  • Le Morte d'Arthur - Shakespeare Head Press, 1933 and William Stansby, 1634 and Longman, 1817 and Dent, 1893-1894 and Riccardi Press, 1910-1911 and Ashendene Press, 1913
  • The Mabinogion - London, 1849 [three vols] and Golden Cockerel Press, 1948
  • Idylls of the King - Moxon, 1859 and Moxon, 1868 [Gustave Dore]

To sell copies of the above, or just to find out more please email us on or call us on 07557 652 609

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