Philip K. Dick First Edition Books Bought / Wanted
Below is a list of Philip K. Dick items we're currently looking to purchase. The books we're looking to buy are generally the first editions published in hardback in Britain or America. Early titles considered in poor condition without jackets.
- A Handful of Darkness - Rich & Cowan, 1955
- World of Chance - Rich & Cowan, 1956
- The World Jones Made - Sidgwick & Jackson, 1968
- Time Out of Joint - Lippincott, 1959
- The Man in the High Castle - Putnam, 1962 and Gollancz, 1975
- The Game Players of Titan - White Lion, 1974
- The Simulacra - Eyre, 1977
- The Penultimate Truth - Cape, 1967
- The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch - Doubleday, 1965 and Cape, 1966
- Dr Bloodmoney - Gregg Press, 1977
- Counter-Clock World - White Lion, 1977
- Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? - Doubleday, 1969 and Rapp & Whiting, 1969
- Ubik - Doulbeday, 1969 and Rapp & Whiting, 1970
- A Maze of Death - Doubleday, 1970 and Gollancz, 1972
- A Philip K. Dick Omnibus - Sidgwick & Jackson, 1970
- Confessions of a Crap Artist - Entwhistle Books, 1975
- A Scanner Darkly - Doubleday, 1977
- Valis - Kerosina, 1987
- Ubik: The Screenplay - Corroboree Press, 1985
- Collected Stories - Underwood Miller, 1987 and Gollancz, 1988-1990
- Proof and manuscript copies
- Any signed first editions - highly sought
To sell copies of the above, or just to find out more please email us on or call us on 07557 652 609