Ray Bradbury Rare Books and First Editions Wanted / Bought

Below is a list of Ray Bradbury items we're currently looking to purchase. The books we're looking to buy are generally the first editions published in hardback in Britain or America. Early titles considered in poor condition without jackets.

  • Dark Carnival - Arkham House, 1947 and Hamish Hamilton, 1948
  • The Martian Chronicles - Doubleday, 1950
  • The Silver Locusts - Hart Davis, 1951
  • The Illustrated Man - Doubleday, 1951 and Hart Davis, 1952
  • Golden Apples of the Sun - Doubleday, 1953 and Hart Davis, 1953
  • Fahrenheit 451 - Ballantine, 1953 (inc. Asbestos bound edition) and Hart Davis, 1954
  • The October Country - Ballantine, 1955 and Hart Davis, 1956
  • Switch on the Night - Pantheon, 1955 and Hart Davis, 1955
  • Dandelion Wine - Doubleday, 1957 and Hart Davis, 1957
  • Sun and Shadow - Quenian Press, 1957
  • A Medicine for Melancholy - Doubleday, 1959
  • R is for Rocket - Doubleday, 1962 and Hart Davis, 1968
  • Something Wicked This Way Comes - Simon & Schuster, 1962 and Hart Davis, 1963 
  • S is for Space - Doubleday, 1966 and Hart Davis, 1968
  • Flatland - Arion Press, 1980 (Bradbury introduction)
  • Proof and manuscript copies
  • Signed first editions
  • Signed limited editions

To sell copies of the above, or just to find out more please email us on info@hyraxia.com or call us on 07557 652 609

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